
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Broadband - Going Underground, Broadband Through Sewers

You know what it's like, another day, another commute to work, another set of roadworks somewhere along the way. Chances are they're probably working on the telecoms cables beneath the surface.

However, the idea of running a fibre-optic network beneath the surface could soon come into practice.

Fibre-optic cables transmit data using light pulses down glass or plastic fibres - which are not prone to outside interference, and could therefore help deliver ultra-fast broadband across the UK.

Such cabling networks are already being implemented in Japan, but also in some cities - such as Paris - making use of vast sewer systems in order to deliver high-speed broadband connections through fibre-optic cabling to homes and businesses.

With a sewer network of over 360,000 miles existing in the UK, the idea of threading cables through underground pipes in order to help deliver high-speed broadband services may sound far-fetched, but it could soon become a reality.

A networking firm in Wales are currently in talks with several councils about the possibility of laying fibre-optic cables - which could potentially lead to faster broadband services becoming available, whilst eliminating the need to spend time and money digging up the roads.

Universities in Aberdeen, Bournemouth and Bath have been used to trial such methods of cabling on a small scale. However the firm have been negotiating with councils and water boards to try and strike a deal which could see fibre-optic cabling being laid over wider areas.

Cables would lie up to five metres below the surface, and as fibre optic cabling is believed to be less prone to erosion and rust, it could prove to be the next phase in delivering ultra-fast broadband connections across the UK.

With more of us running a speed test on our broadband connection - and becoming increasingly frustrated with the results we get back, could a new system of networking help to speed up the broadband infrastructure and give businesses and gamers alike the bandwidth they've been craving for what seems like years now?

Looking for better broadband? Perform a broadband speed test and compare broadband providers to find a deal that suits you.

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SPI Bus: Theory and Implementation

SPI stands for Serial to Peripheral Interface? and it is a hardware and firmware communications protocol developed by Motorola and later adopted by everybody. The SPI Bus is used only on the PCB. I am certain some of you will ask: Why is the SPI Bus used only on the PCB? What prevents us from using it outside the PCB area??/i> The SPI Bus was specially designed to exchange data between various IC chips, at very high speeds; say, at 180 MHz or even more. Due to this high-speed aspect, the Bus lines cannot be too long, because their reactance increases too much, and the Bus becomes unusable. However, if you want, you could use the SPI Bus outside the PCB at low speeds, but this is not quite practical--the SPI Bus requires 3 or 4 communications lines, which are a bit too many, when compared to 1 or 2 lines usually needed to communicate, efficiently, with field devices located outside the PCB.

Anyway, on the PCB the SPI Bus is very good, because we can practically attach to the Bus as many ICs (or devices) as we want. Please excuse me for not providing a picture of the SPI Bus, but rest assured you do not need one: the SPI Bus is so simple that you will understand everything in words.

The next question is: Why is this SPI Bus particularly useful??/i> Besides from exchanging data between various IC chips, the SPI Bus is a method of multiplying microcontrollers pins. In other words, if you have a tiny 8 pins microcontroller, you could control with that little monster few hundreds of digital Inputs and Outputs. This is impressive, and I am certain many doubt my words. Lets explain this.

The SPI Bus contains three lines, and they can be on any general I/O controller pins. These Bus lines are: Clock, Data-In, and Data-Out. In addition, each IC connected to the SPI Bus needs an individual Enable line. Things work like this: suppose we have four devices, A, B, C, and D; all of them are wired to the SPI Bus lines, and the Bus itself is wired to seven controller pins--this is 3 Bus lines plus the 4 Enable ones. When we want to send a message to device C, we enable its Enable line first, then we send the message serially, one bit at a time. In the same time devices A, B, and D do exactly nothing, because they are not enabled.

The beauty with the SPI Bus is, it is Synchronous, meaning, when the controller sends the message to one IC, it is also able to receive data from that IC, in the same time. This particular aspect of the SPI protocol is particularly well suited for microcontroller-to-microcontroller communications.

Now, we have seen a small 8 pins microcontroller can control 4 devices (ICs) using 7 pins. Taking into account one device of type A, B, C, or D could have eight or even sixteen I/O ports, this is still far from the hundreds Inputs and Outputs I promised to you. The next beautiful thing about the SPI Bus is: one device IC can be serialized with many more of the same type! For example, we could have B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, and so on. All ICs of type B# are serialized together, and they require only 4 microcontroller pins to make them work; the Enable line is common to all of them. Next, we can use each device of type A, B, C, and D as a group of tens similar ICs.

The enabling speed of each I/O port on the SPI Bus it is slower, when multiplying microcontrollers pins, but always take into account I/O field devices dont necessarily need speeds of, say 1000 ON/OFF activations per second each, simply because most of them cannot handle that speed. However, there are few, very smart firmware techniques like the barrel-shift?type of functions, which allows us to maintain high-speed messaging on the SPI Bus, even if we have hundreds of I/Os. In the same time, the barrel-shift?functions allow for better time management inside microcontroller, so that it has more time to execute other tasks--makes sense to me! To conclude, I believe it is clear now we can, indeed, build hundreds of efficient I/O lines on a small 8 pins controller.

Further from this general presentation of the SPI Bus, you should be aware almost all ICs implement the SPI protocol in a particular way. For detailed and practical applications I suggest you visit my home site at Corollary Theorems. There you are going to discover a good tutorial book about working with hardware, firmware--including the barrel-shift?type of functions--and software design, in general, and about few nice and practical implementations of the SPI Bus in particular.

Many microcontrollers have built-in SPI Bus hardware modules, but I was never interested too much about using them. What I do, I always design--on the PCB and for one microcontroller--one, two or more custom SPI Busses, because my custom implementations are far more flexible. Besides, practical implementation of a custom SPI Bus, both in hardware and in firmware, is really simple--trust me with this one!

O G POPA is Professional Engineer in BC, Canada. His home site is Corollary Theorems at

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Mobile VoIP Calling - WIFI, WIMAX, and Beyond

Wireless VoIP aka, WVoIP is an exciting area in the VoIP arena. It can be used over WiFi, EVDO Revision-A, HSDPA, and WiMAX. Callers aren't limited to a single phone, and can use a headset, laptop, PDA, or a mobile-WiFi phone.

Wireless VoIP has a limited range despite its immense cost savings to mobile users. Also, It doesn't always work well with WiFi networks that were originally engineered for data as opposed to voice packets. This gives current cell phone networks the advantage over wireless VoIP despite the gargantuan cost savings.

Tata Communications said that they are coming out with the largest WiMaX network to date. Telsima will build the network. Its supposed to cover over 110 cities with limited coverage and 15 with full coverage. Many of the areas covered don't have access to broadband, and only about 3 million people in India have access to broadband networks out of a total population of 1.2 billion.

Three of the United States WiMAX network providers include: MetroBridge Networks, which covers Arizona and Seatle, Clearwire which holds 2.5 GHZ licenses with a test market in the Northwest, (They plan to compete with other WiMAX providers nationwide), and Sprint-Nextel who also has 2.5 GHZ licenses, and they plan to cover Washington D.C , Baltimore, and Chicago.

With all of the intense competition that WiMAX commands, the innovative technology can only get better, and this is an exciting time for mobile phone users who want cheaper rates using wireless VoIP, especially for long distance/international calls that will only cost pennies.

Joe Fanning is a writer and researcher in the technology sector and telephony industry. Visit the wholesale VoIP website that Joe is associated with at a-z wholesale voip termination, or visit Service Delivery Platform, where Joe works.

GRNVoIP's VoIP Weblog is written by Joe and their staff at: VoIP News, VoIP trends, and VoIP insights

Copyright (c) 2008 Joe Fanning. This article may be reprinted assuming the resource box is left alone

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10 Things You Should Know About Doing A Broadband Speed Test

1. You should never pay for your broadband speed test. Loads and loads of websites offer them for free and a lot do not require you to sign up for any email alerts or other such spam encouraging things.

2. The most accurate broadband speed tests will need your phone number or postcode to determine what speeds your area can receive.

3. Go for a test that not only shows what speeds you are getting but also what speeds you can get. Why is this important? See number 3.

4. Just because you are paying for a fast connection does not mean you will get it. You can only get the very fast connections if your line is able to take them and if your area is not one shared by a lot of other heavy internet users.

5. Because a single ADSL line serves up to say 40 houses, you will find that your connection speeds are impacted depending on how many other people are using the net at the same time as you and how often. If you are doing the test you should try and do it during a busy period as well as a quiet one for the most accurate reading of how fast your connection is.

6. If you love to download music and movies you will want a faster connection, because obviously the faster your connection the faster you get your music or movies.

7. Having said that, if you have a really fast broadband connection but you actually don't use the internet much except to browse then you probably do not need it to be so fast, so why pay extra for it?

8. Other reasons why your speed might be slow are that you are too far from the telephone exchange, or that there are too many objects between your PC and your router that are blocking the signal.

9. Learn the jargon- Broadband speed is measured in Megabits per second. The common abbreviations for this are Mb, Mbps or Mb/sec.

10. Most importantly of all, once you have done your test, if you are not getting the speeds then don't pay for the package with fast connections because lets face it, you can't use it.

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Broadband Internet - A Great Way to Get Connected

High speed internet access can make lives easy for many of us. We do not have to wait till eternity to open our email messages or download our favourite tracks from the World Wide Web. With broadband satellite internet access, the constraints of using dial up connections can be done away with. Broadband internet is perfect for enjoying engaging internet games or surfing the websites with high amount of graphic content.

Some of us might be living far away where accessing a DSL connection may not be possible. Broadband internet access becomes important in this context. Accessing the Internet through the broadband can be done from almost anywhere. Downloading or installing of specialized software is not required. A simple cable or DSL modem - with capabilities for internet access - serves the purpose. The process of installation is hassle free; moreover, the maintenance required is quite minimal. All these factors contribute significantly towards the increasing popularity of this means of accessing the World Wide Web.

A couple of years ago, the costs of deploying broadband internet were quite exorbitant. However, the scenario has changed drastically and as of now, this means of internet access has become highly affordable.

And the benefits of using broadband internet are more than one. The internet access is quicker. Users are expected to be more than satisfied with faster downloads as well as easy and hassle free uploads.

Anybody and everybody can now enjoy these services which are available from quite a few reputed providers. Interested people can then enjoy music, video clips, movies, and games by downloading the same within seconds.

It can be concluded that in many regions of the globe and within various sections of people, slow downloads from dial-up connections are a thing of the past. Many users are in fact making the most of high speed internet to enjoy movies or television shows; get the latest updates on sports and news; or groove to the latest music.

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