
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Broadband - Going Underground

Experts have warned that the speed of Britain's broadband is falling way behind that of our European neighbours.

With high-speed internet access becoming more and more of a necessity, we are running the risk of future internet developments accelerating away from what our aging UK networks can cope with.

Britain's broadband is delivered to the majority of users via twisted-pair telephone lines. This broadband technology depends upon advanced digital signal processing and creative algorithms to compress data. This new technology is relying on the old technology of the UK's aging phone networks to deliver the service and cracks are now beginning to show.

Broadband customers are increasingly becoming dissatisfied with the speeds they are receiving; this has not been helped by ISP's luring customers in with promises of cheap broadband with speeds of "up to" 8Mbps. The reality is that few will be able to achieve even half this speed.

There are too many factors that can affect the quality of broadband speeds via the telephone line to ever make it a reliable service.
These include:

?How close you are to the exchange (the closer you are then the faster your connection)

?The amount of people being served by your local exchange

?The length and gauge of the line from the exchange

?Electromagnetic noise from other lines. So basically, this can mean the quality of the wiring within your own house.

?The quality of the modem you use

It's obvious that we need a new way of delivering broadband to the users if we are ever going to keep up with the rest of the world.

Fibre optics is the way forward, but laying fibre cables to every house in the UK is impractical and expensive.

A solution to the problem could lie in using 360,000 miles of pipelines that are already under our feet. The sewage systems!

A company called H20 Networks has already provided super fast broadband to Universities in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Bournemouth via their sewage systems. They are enjoying high-speed fibre connections that provide speeds of up to 20Gbps!

It's a cost effective and quick solution to what would be an expensive and time consuming problem. With Japan and Paris already using sewer-based fibre networks, it looks likely that Britain will be forced to follow suit. For the millions of internet users who are already beginning to get impatient with their service providers false promises, this can't come soon enough.

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Broadband - Crackdown On Illegal Downloads

Since the introduction of file-sharing and peer-to-peer networking, there have been constantly reported high profile legal struggles between the music industry and internet providers.

And now internet providers face potential changes to procedure due to a government green paper which would require them to take action over users who access pirated material.

It is estimated that around six million UK broadband users downloaded files illegally last year, with music and film industries claiming that such practices cost billions of pounds in lost revenue.

And with the government coming under increased pressure from those in the music and film industries to penalise piracy, users could find themselves paying the price for free downloads.

Negotiations between some of the biggest ISPs and some of Hollywood's biggest studios regarding a voluntary scheme for policing illegal downloads have been in progress for several years, however no deal has yet been reached.

Users suspected of illegally downloading music and films face the prospect of a 'three strikes and you're out' system, which could ultimately lead to the disconnection of their broadband service if no steps are taken to cease illegal activity.

However there is growing concern about how disputed allegations would be policed. With an increasing number of cases of 'piggybacking' and 'wi-fi hijacking' as the numbers of wireless broadband networks around the UK continues to grow, there could be difficulties in determining blame in some cases.

The green paper also outlines plans for schemes that would promote creative arts in the UK in a bid to encourage children to visit galleries and museums, attend theatre productions and take up study of a musical instrument.

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