
Friday, July 4, 2008

Internet Gurus BAH!

Who the heck are they anyways? What makes them Gurus in the first place?

The word "guru", in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is defined as:

1. a personal religious and spiritual teacher in Hinduism

2. a teacher in matters of fundamental concern


How can one be a GURU in the ever revolving, changing and fast paced rate the internet changes.

Did they attend University to become a Guru? Truly how did they accrue that Title?

Just because someone is proclaimed by others or proclaims himself to be an Internet guru doesn't mean you have to take their teachings as gospel. Use a little common sense as you surf the net or read the tons of emails in your inbox from or about Internet gurus and their superhuman exploits.

My thoughts now and only my thoughts tell me that they are Self - Proclaimed Gurus. Are they good at what they do. You bet they are.

They are constantly swindling Internet Newbies of their hard earned cash, sucking them in like a over charged, high powered vacuum. Yes we have all been sucked in at some point.

Then they turn around and tell you absolutely nada about what you paid for. Smart yes. They are out and out Thieves as far as I am concerned.

As far as that goes I could Proclaim to be an internet "Guru" as well Just one difference though.... I am just your average Joe-ette who has fairly slow, long learning curve.

I think everyone could become an Internet "Guru" With all the unique ways to advertise, concepts on getting the Top Rankings or Ratings. Does NOT cost money So much for Free out there Why pay a GURU for advise that can be found and learned online for Nada, Zip, Zilch

Over the years but mostly in the last few months I have learned so much. Every day I search for a new idea, concept or intriguing way to bring forth the wealth of information available to us all.

If the gurus think they are helping by sending out daily the latest thing to "make you rich", they are just like every other person on the internet trying to get a sale. The only difference is that they have a name as a "great marketer".

A "Great Marketer " All they have done is plaster the word "Guru" across their pages and we accepted it Well didn't we Be truthful now Took us a while to catch on but we finally caught up with they famous Rip off Artists

Wonder what word now will replace the Internet Renown since most of us aren't falling for their BS anymore

Synonyms: authority, guide, guiding light*, leader, maharishi, master, sage, swami, teacher, tutor

Antonyms: disciple

Definition: examiner Synonyms: bean counter, examiner, guru*, head shrinker*, inquisitor, investigator, number cruncher*, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, questioner, shrink*

Definition: expert Synonyms: arbiter, artist, bible, big cheese*, big shot*, big wig*, boss, brains*, brass*, buff*, city hall*, connoisseur, czar, egghead*, establishment*, exec*, expert, feds*, freak, front office*, governor, guru, ivory dome*, judge, kingfish*, kingpin*, law*, master, power elite, pro, professional, professor, pundit, scholar, specialist, textbook*, the man, top brass*, top dog*, top hand*, upstairs*, veteran, virtuoso, whiz, wizard

Antonyms: amateur, apprentice, neophyte, novice

Go ahead and pick one
Wendy Friedrich

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Malaysia Internet Usage Statistic

We are unquestionably dependent on computers and the communications devices and services that connect them. The number of computers and terminals at work in the world today is over 100 millions. The overwhelming need of organizations and their workers now is for connectivity, for integration, for ease of access information. On the other hand, as businesses are challenged by such forces as global competition, mergers. and acquisitions, information becoming the main sources to stay them "alive". Thus, Internet become the main channel for the entire informations flow.

"Doing Business on the NET." - On very rare occasions, technology dramatically transforms the way we live ourt lives; examples include the printing press, the automobile, and the fiber optic communications. The Internet, and more specifically its World Wide Web (WWW or the Web) Services, may be such a transforming technology. The Web has made an already expontentially growing phenomenon, the Internet, into an even faster growing one, causing the transformation and evolution.

Why does this Internet is potentially affect the entire industry? Is there any different modes of commerce on the Internet? Some research on the growing rate statistics on the Internet Users Growing Rate increased since year 2000. The statistics were updated 30th November,2007. It showed a user growth rate of 303.9%(2000-2007) in Malaysia itself.

However, there are still small percentage of Businesses does not go for Online Presence mainly because they have no idea how it works and lacking of confidence.

Following are some tips for small and large businesses to go Online:-

1) Be creative, but never cloud the purpose of your business with cleverness for its own sake.
2) Identity: be clear from the customer's viewpoint about who you are and what you offer.
3) Take a pride in your expertise, but don't try to push what customers don't want.
4) Constantly look at what works for others, adapt and adopt the best that your creativity and budget can manage.
5) Build customer loyalty and you will build employee loyalty without effort Deliver more than you promise.
6) Remember customer online are short on time and attention, not money. Do not generate "rubbish" on the Website.
7) Make it easy for people to search and buy online.
8) Be consistent. Ensure that your messages always reflect the image you want. Ensure that customer is never confused by conflicting messages.

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